Trade Injury Analysis
CapTrade is a leading provider of economic analysis related to trade disputes. We have prepared economic analysis and appeared on numerous occasions before the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in antidumping/countervailing duty investigations and sunset reviews. We have also provided the same type of analysis to support clients involved in unfair trade proceedings in other countries.
Key Services
A key variable in any international trade dispute is the definition of the key economic parameters. CapTrade’s economic analysis helps clients identify those parameters. We help clients:
Assess the feasibility or threat of potential trade cases;
Evaluate economic substitutability in demand and supply between possible “like” products;
Investigate distribution channels, product differentiation, branding and pricing;
Prepare forecasts of future international capacity, production, and trade flows;
Analyze a firm’s production process to determine foreign and U.S. value-added.
Estimate the financial performance of alternative industries.
Key Analytical Tools
Our staff has extensive experience in collating and evaluating industry, import, and purchaser data, reviewing financial performance, and estimating the impacts of various exogenous forces. If the case calls for it, we can employ sophisticated economic modeling to support a particular theory. Depending on the needs of the particular case, the results of our work can take several different forms, including:
Econometric models
Market studies
Financial analysis of the U.S. industry
Assistance at ITC staff verification and plant visits
Partial equilibrium models
Market segmentation analysis
Estimates of elasticities
Market research on subject country production, capacity and markets
Our analysis can be presented either as a stand-alone reports or incorporated into legal briefs and responses to questions.
Participation in Conferences and Hearings
An important aspect of any ITC injury case is the preliminary staff conferences and hearings. Participants have an opportunity to present their side of the case in person and respond to the questions by the Commission and staff. Economic issues often are a dominant subject of hearings and conferences. CapTrade economists and consultants have prepared economic presentations for such events, testified, and answered questions, on hundreds of occasions.